Visualization cell

The cell allows you to visually study the interaction of CO2 with your product.
It consists of a sapphire closed by two covers offering a complete view of the entire cell.
This also allows the introduction of large parts into the cell and to equip the cell with a range of instruments.

Icône produits Extratex
Small footprint
Ease of maintenance
Icône text Extratex
Long life span


Volume SC 350 :
- 1/2" (15mL)
- 1" (55mL)

SC 700 :
- 1/2" (15mL)
Pressure SC 350 :
- 350 bar

SC 700 :
- 700 bar


EXTRATEX supports you in the installation, start-up and training in the use of our equipment. Our teams and partners also provide after-sales service and maintenance of your equipment regardless of your destination in order to guarantee optimal operation and regulatory procedures related to the use of pressurized equipment.

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Cryogenic system

Cryogenic system

Cryogenic pump allowing you to transfer your low pressure liquid CO2 into a reserve at 50-100bar.


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